Matt’s musings on software application design,
leadership, process management, and project design.
Building Jarvis in C#, Part 6: Speech-to-Text
Building Jarvis in C#, Part 5: Cross-Platform Audio
Building Jarvis in C#, Part 4: The Push-to-Talk Button
Microphones and Passwords? Just Say No.
Building Jarvis in C#, Part 3: Prompting and Date/Time
Building Jarvis in C#, Part 2: Text-to-Speech
Building Jarvis in C#, Part 1: Conversational Chat
Q-Day is Coming to Town
Announcing JustTooFast XML Library
Announcing JustTooFast OSS Project
Cross-Platform .NET Notes
.NET Conf 2023
Bit Rot
Apollo Guidance Computer
Why Interfaces?
Test Doubles
Don’t Repeat Yourself
Got Tethics?
History of .NET
System Communication Patterns
C# and .NET News Updates
Realistic-Looking Test Data
Project Estimation
Development Team Structure Variability
Software Organization Anti-Patterns
Development Lifecycle Variability
The Agile Manifesto, Part 2: Individuals and Interactions
The Waterfall Model, Revisited
The Agile Manifesto, Part 1: Introduction
Percent Complete
Types of Automated Unit Tests
Project Management Triangle
Architecture Anti-Patterns
Little Bobby Tables
The Mythical Man-Month
From Novice to Expert, Part 2
From Novice to Expert, Part 1
Code Reviews
The Pizza Ordering Interface
The Ninety-Ninety Rule
Training Costs Matter
The First Law of Computer Science
Cross the River
SOLID Principles
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